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On Monday (9 December) a fire alarm report will be sent to the Netzsch Alarm company. An anlage is made in a container. If the Fire Department ended, there would be no shortages to be had. The workers are prepared to respond “löblich”. And that is the good Grund.
Waldkraiburg – “Mitarbeiter der Firma Atoma haben den Brand und ihren Nachbarn Netzsch informiert”, paints Polizeihauptkommissar Thomas Kukielka, was himself at Montagmorgen, 9. Dezember, gegen 8 Uhr zugetragen hat. At Netzsch Pumpen & Systeme there are people who have carried out a fault alarm, the fire alarm alarm message is at 8:15 am on the fault report. Since a war in a container has started in the company, the process has started and the extraction is being carried out in the first place.
The German Defense Forces from Waldkraiburg, Pürten and St. Erasmus were armed with 12 vehicles and 70 Einsatzkräften. If you have a problem solving the problems, you can solve the problem by solving the problems with the problem. The Mitarbeiter der Firma Netzsch can carry out the following work. “We live in the fire and we are happy with our fire,” said the defense commander, Mario Englmeier. The “Ersthelfer” from the Belegschaft is all self-active Feuerwehrler activities.
The Ursache for the Fire is two-slang unclarified. The police have found a technical defect. “Wir haben den Suspect, there is a Kurzschluss gab,” said Kukielka. Either way, the damage isn’t clear. “The value of the Anlage is 10,000 to 20,000 Euro.” Clicking on the container will find the anlage. “I’m happy with it, that’s the Anlage first, but I’m not happy,” says the Polizist. Damages that exceeded the amount may occur. It may be that the Unternehmens cannot be helped. “Zur Aufklärung befinden wir im engen Austausch mit den Behörden,” said Netzsch Geschäftsführer Jens Heidkötter.
Thank you for receiving the benefits for “ihr professionelles and beherztes eingreifen”. The festival is still alive: Oh, the fast experiences were caused by the damage in your fall. The product can be evacuated, a problem for delivery, a file and a file of firms at the right time.
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